ethyl alcohol

[ˈeθil ˈælkəˌhɔl]
  • 释义
  • 普通酒精,威士忌;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Radix Ginseng, Fructus Capsici , Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae , Radix Astragali, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Ethyl Alcohol, Aqua.

    人参, 辣椒,丹参,黄耆, 川芎,防风, 酒精, 水.

  • 2、

    Conclusion: The natural Harvest clarifier can substitute ethyl alcohol in the procedure of removing the impurity.

    结论: 澄清剂法可代替乙醇法用以除杂质.

  • 3、

    A liquid containing iodine dissolved in ethyl alcohol, used as an antiseptic for wounds.

    从威士忌酒精中提取的碘酒溶液; 适用于伤口防腐用的药物.

  • 4、

    When using ethyl alcohol as the solvent of the extract, some chromatographic peak shapes became abnormal.

    试样以乙醇为溶剂时, 会导致某些色谱峰的峰形不好.

  • 5、

    The massive petty crime is implements under the ethyl alcohol function, this by no means coincidence.

    大量的暴力犯罪是在究竟的作用下实施的, 这并非巧合.

  • 6、

    A liquid containing iodine dissolved in ethyl alcohol, used an antiseptic for wounds.

    碘酊;碘酒溶于酒精的碘的一种液体, 用作防止伤口感染的药剂.

  • 7、

    Methods: Comparing to the ethyl alcohol and natural Harvest clarifier precipitation method.

    方法: 采用乙醇法与汉威斯特天然澄清剂法,对双根口服液进行除杂质的比较研究.

  • 8、

    An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain rye, or barley, and containing approximately 40 to 50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume.

    酒精可以立即掌握许多振动,且药酒中的酒精颗粒将容许草药王国下载缺失的音调, 来支持你在摄取草药中提升.

  • 9、

    After extracting the decoction with ethyl alcohol, the background base line of chromatogram was obviously reduced.

    将麦冬水煎物经乙醇提取后, 色谱曲线的背景可显著降低.

  • 10、

    In Brazil, about 40 % of all motor fuel is ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol.

    在巴西, 所有机动燃料的大约40%是乙醇, 也就是酒精!

  • 11、

    The reaction mechanism of purifying WPA by ethyl alcohol as organic solvent is sought.


  • 12、

    Fuel grade ethyl alcohol and biodiesel are now to be developed successively with lower cost orientation.


  • 13、

    This strongly confirms the relation of ethyl alcohol per se to increased risk.

